Cindy Jo gave me this idea this morning when she offered her gift of Michelle to anyone with a Halloween
Page well I am making this one for every one. Please email what ever picture gift you want to use and text information to
go with your picture and your website if you want. If anyone needs a picture I will make one if
you like. Just send your plain picture and info. I am trying to get a gift for all the moms I know but your picture here on this page does NOT have to be from me. So let's Have a Happy Halloween Party!
Your Text can be a poem or whatever you wish.
PLEASE use my personal email so will not tie up the group mails.
Love to all moms and angels, Patti and Angel Dustin
Click on all pictures to enlarge
My Daughter on Earth Tiffany and Dustin in Heaven |

Wishing a Happy Halloween to
all Our Angels
Halloween is a time for Trick or Treat
With All the angels dressed so neat
Ghost and goblins all compete
Making this holiday so sweet
In heaven they run around
Many not making a sound
But show their spirits as a clown
Sending love to us abound
Tho, we all miss them so much
Being Here on earth & such
They shows us a loving touch
As they party in heaven as a bunch
Each and everyone
Is a Daughter or a Son
That have left this world with things undone
They are our special angels shining like the sun
Like the stars that shine in the night
They are mostly our guiding light
As they have fun on this night of fright
We miss them so with all our might
For Us they left here on earth
We some times fail to see the mirth
Of memories past and their worth
In Halloween and it's birth
But they above want us to see
They are as happy as can be
So happy and laughing all carefree
We hold the memories so very closely
So, Angels Dears we send our love
To all you there up above
On the wings of a snow White dove
Written for All the Angel children in heaven
Copywritten By
Reeny Angels's Dustin and Becky's mom
Halloween 2008

Reeny Angel's Dustin and Becky's Mom

Trissie I miss you at this time of year, because there is so many memories. The one I think of is how you
loved to carve the pumpkin with your children. You are always in my thoughts and very often I pull out that memory box I carry
in my heart and miss you even more.Have fun with all the Angel Goblins you have met in heaven and thank you so much for sending
their mother's my way. I LOVE YOU Mama"
Carolyn Bethea Jeremiah 29:11 "I know the plans I have for

Robert James Gambrell,III
10/7/69 to 6/16/94
Angel Mom Diana

Bradley Taylor Thornton
Angel Mom Kris

Michelle Greever
8/24/84 ~ 11/5/93
Angel Mom Cindy Jo

Brittnee Foster |

Happy Halloween!
Brittnee Foster
4-10-86 4-04-06
We Love and Miss you so much!
Destaneigh and Heavenleigh
(Brittnee's Daughters)

Happy Halloween! BUCKY
Missy McCoy Angel Mom

Happy Halloween! Nicole
Angel Mom Charlie
From Karen and Geoff

My Artist In Heaven Oh how I miss you in every
which way. Every year gets harder, with your Birthdays, Anniversary's, then there are the holidays, and fun days which use
to be so much fun especially with you and Amy, Easter, Valentines and of course Halloween. Patti a new friend who I have
met, she sent me a lovely gift for your Birthday page, and she has offered to us Moms to do a Halloween page, so I am adding
you to that page honey, as I know you know how hard these days are for me. Keep your drawings and art coming. HAPPY

Jason Dunn
Angel Mom Susie
June 5, 1974 ~ March 13, 1997
It’s lonely here without
you, We miss you more each day, For life is not the same to us, Since you were called away. To your resting place
we visit, Place flowers there with care, But no one knows our heartache, When we turn and leave you there.

Happy Halloween! Jessica Haffer
Angel Mom Jeri
From Karen and Geoff

Stacey Marie Vindigni
February 16 1967 - March 22 1999
Angel Mom Kathy
Click on Heart To Visit Stacey |


Tyler Tscheschlog
Angel Mom Doreen

To Michael and Carol
From Geoff , Angel Mom Karen

Angel Mom Carol

Linda’s Angel Joey

Saralyn Angel Robbie

Daniel Foster
Angel Mom Debbie

Elizabeth Kathleen Haher
Angel Mom Sue

Mark Mueller
Angel Mom Shirley
The Night Sky As I look at the night sky, I think to myself. What
is out there so far? Are they really out far? Or are they with you all the time. Do they guide us through life? And
bring us all the joy and happiness, life can be? As I look at the night sky, I wonder, why I look at the night sky? What
do I think I see? Make out what you want. You will see, all you will be. That’s what I see, as I look at the night
sky, so high.
By Mark A. M. Feb, 10th,1998

In the wisp of misty moonlight, On a bright and shining star The distant
sound of your laughter Comes singing from afar
Dancing through the heavens, Across the fathomless miles All
creation speaks to me The memory of your smile
A memory not forgotten, But tucked deep in my soul As I gaze across the
moonlit sky Each memory makes me whole
It is said that memories fade with time, Yet each day they grow much more
clear When I hear your laughter across moonlit skies I know that you are still near
Maria Angel Mom of
Christopher Ronald Faller
May 7, 1990 - March 24, 1998
